Daibetic Foot

Diabetes is one of the commonest disease in India and in long run causes many complications presenting kidney failure, ulcers in the foot (Diabetic Foot), blindness etc. The important thing about diabetes is that initially slow progressing disease and act like a termite and slow poison in our body doesn’t give any symptoms even for many years.

Who are at risk for Diabetes?

  • BMR >23
  • Family history of Diabetes
  • More than 40 Yrs of age
  • Obesity
  • Imbalanced cholesterol profile
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Sedentary life style

Who are at risk of Diabetic foot?

  1. Diabetes with ultered/loss of sensation of the foot
  2. Diabetes with decreased blood supply in the foot
  3. Diabetes with foot deformity
  4. Uncontrolled diabetes
  5. Overweight
  6. Smokers
  7. Improper foot wear
  8. Diabetes with repeated attack of in growing toe nail/ corn and callosity
  9. Negligence about foot care

Important tips for Diabetic patient to avoid Diabetic foot

  1. Proper daily care of feet
    • Washing, drying, inspection and moisturizer
  2. Proper footwear and socks
    • Examination of the shoe before wearing, loose socks, soft sole, comfortable and roomy shoe
  3. Daily exercise of the foot muscles
  4. Proper care of nail
  5. Control of Diabetes
  6. Regular check up with the doctor

Don’ts for Diabetic foot Patients

  • Avoid heating using hot water bottle, heating pads etc.
  • Not to walk barefoot
  • Not to use hand brush and stone to wash the foot
  • Not to use tight fitting/ high heel and pointed footwear
  • No tight socks and Bandage
  • Not to treat corn and callosity yourself
  • Stop smoking

Take Home Message

Diabetes is very common and can run in families, needed awareness and if you are in risk factor category then must take preventive check up regularly for timely diagnosis and treatment.

And if you are Diabetic then must follow the advice of your physician for the routine check up but at the same time must aware of its complications like diabetic foot and should have regular check up to prevent and treat them.