What is corona virus?

A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat.

In early 2020, after a December 2019 outbreak in China, the World Health Organization identified SARS-CoV-2 as a new type of coronavirus. The outbreak quickly spread around the world. COVID-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 that can trigger a respiratory tract infection. It can affect your upper respiratory tract (sinuses, nose, and throat) or lower respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs).

How does COVID-19 spread?

People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets/aerosole from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales/sneeze.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough and weakness. Some patients may feel loss of smell/taste, breathlessness and bodyache. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don’t feel unwell.

Can the virus be transmitted through the air?

COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets rather than through the air.

How long is the incubation period for COVID-19?

The “incubation period” means the time between catching the virus and beginning to have symptoms of the disease. Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 1-14 days, most commonly around five days to seven days.

Can CoVID-19 be caught from a person who has no symptoms?


Who is at risk of developing severe illness from coronavirus?

Person aged >60 Yrs & <10 Yrs, Diabetic Patient, Patients with organ transplant, cancer patients, chemotherapy, patients with lung diseases, hypertensive patients etc.

Are antibiotics effective in preventing or treating the COVID-19?

No. they only work on bacterial infections.

Are there any medicines that can prevent or cure COVID-19?

No definite medicine but few medicines can reduce the symptoms. Eg. Hydroxychloroquine, Ramdesivir, Dexamethasone, favipiravior etc.

Is there a vaccine drug or treatment for COVID-19?

Not yet, trails going on.

How long does the virus survive on surfaces?

Corona viruses may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days depending upon surface type.

What can I do to protect myself and prevent the spread of disease?

  • Washing hands regularly
  • Wear mask
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Avoid touching surfaces

Can the Virus spread through food, including restaurant take-out, refrigerated & frozen packed food?

Currently, there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with food.

What is community spread?

Community spread means people where the source of transmission not identified.

What should I do if I have had close contact with a corona positive person?

  • In Mild Risk : Maintain Social Distancing and wear mask
  • In Moderate Risk: Get yourself quarantine and follow Guidelines of Local Government
  • In High Risk: Get yourself tested and follow Guidelines of Local Government

What are the instructions to follow for the patient and caregiver during Home isolation?

Instructions for care-givers

  • Mask: The caregiver should wear a triple layer medical mask appropriately when in the same room with the ill person.
  • He/she should avoid touching own face, nose or mouth.
  • Hand hygiene must be ensured following contact with ill person or his immediate environment.
  • Hand hygiene should also be practiced before and after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet, and whenever hands look dirty. Use soap and water for hand washing at least for 40 seconds. Alcohol-based hand rub can be used, if hands are not visibly soiled.
  • Exposure to patient: Avoid direct contact with body fluids of the patient, particularly oral or respiratory secretions.
  • Use disposable gloves while handling the patient. Perform hand hygiene before and after removing gloves.
  • Food must be provided to the patient in his room
  • Utensils and dishes used by the patient should be cleaned with soap/detergent and water wearing gloves.
  • The care giver and all close contact will self-monitor their health with vitals on daily basis.

Instructions to the patient:

  • Patient should at all times use N-95 medical mask.
  • Discard mask after 8 hours of use or earlier if they become wet or visibly soiled. Mask should be discarded only after disinfecting it with 1% Sodium Hypo-chlorite Solution
  • Patient must isolate himself in a well ventilated room with attached toilet
  • Patient must drink lot of fluids to maintain adequate hydration and do mid exercises.
  • Hands must be washed often with soap and water for at least 40 seconds or clean with alcohol based sanitizer.
  • Clean surfaces in the room that are touched often (tabletops, door knobs, handles, etc) with 1% hypochlorite solution.
  • The patient must strictly follow the physician’s instructions and medication advice.
  • The patient will self-monitor his/her health with BP, SpO2, Body temprature.

What are the different tests for Covid-19?

  1. RT-PCR (RNA/DNA- Report within 24 Hrs)
  2. Antigen Test ( Report within 15-20 mins)
  3. Antibody test

What is convalescent Plasma therapy?

Convalescent plasma therapy is an experimental treatment that some doctors are using for people with severe coronavirus disease. People who’ve recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies — proteins the body uses to fight off infections — to the disease in their blood. The blood from people who’ve recovered is called convalescent plasma. Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood. Researchers hope that convalescent plasma can be given to people with severe COVID-19 to boost their ability to fight the virus.